
WHMCS Management

We secure, optimise and continuously manage business-critical WHMCS installations.

The Sumfort Level-Ups

Optimised for Performance

Optimised for Performance

WHMCS runs smoothly once you start a new hosting business with a few shared hosting servers. You run it for several years, start selling and reselling more products, buy a few addon modules and eventually find it suspiciously slow. What are all these modules doing under the hood?

Sumfort has a good understanding of the WHMCS jobs and rendering engine. We analyse all installed modules and their hooks. We implement alternatives to modules that put too much load on your WHMCS installation.

Tax Compliance & Accounting

Tax Compliance & Accounting

WHMCS issues invoices for both service sales and funding the account, so your reports may double the sales numbers. WHMCS issues refunds, but does not issue credit notes for them. There are dozens of other accounting issues like this. Many WHMCS users export invoices to another system to do the accounting properly.

Sumfort fixes this. Our clients use WHMCS as their main and only sales accounting system.

Data Privacy Compliance

Data Privacy Compliance

WHMCS logs and hoards large amounts of client data. Some of these data are buried in the database and may not be accessed even in the admin area. Storing redundant data creates ungrounded liability risks and slows the whole system down.

Sumfort creates data retention rules and provides transparency for absolutely all data in your database.

Audit Trails

Audit Trails

WHMCS enables clients to do what they need on their own and fully automate service provisioning. Then it tries to log the most important requests by clients and staff. However, it misses most events when it comes to modifying or deleting client data in the service. Then really, who has changed this client's DNS record to point to a wrong server?

Sumfort logs all requests to change anything. Be it the client or staff, we know who is accountable.

Web Application Firewall

Web Application Firewall

CloudFlare would know you are under a DDoS attack. CloudFlare would know somebody is trying to inject malicious SQL code into the query. CloudFlare would stop them. But it would not know this specific client should not be trying to access this specific service management page. It would also not know this staff member with full access should not be retrieving or deleting client data at such a pace.

Sumfort continuously monitors and audits logs to identify abnormal and potentially dangerous activity. In case your client or staff account is compromised, there will be an impact. With Sumfort, this will be noticed and the user will be isolated in minutes.

Load Balancing

Load Balancing

WHMCS runs under a single IP on a single server under the user specified in the license file. WHMCS offers no options for modern load balancing or disaster recovery.

Sumfort brings WHMCS to the modern infrastructure. We create queues for heavy tasks and decouple backend workers. We deploy proxy servers for load balancing. We use multiple licenses for a single database management. Once on Sumfort Enterprise, you can run Super Bowl ads for your WHMCS site.

Professional Services


Get your WHMCS working the way you need.

Theme Installation

Get your WHMCS styled your way.

Module Installation

Get your custom or 3rd party modules deployed to your WHMCS.


Get custom hooks to modify WHMCS core behaviour to your needs.


Get your WHMCS to Sumfort from any other server.


Bring your corrupt or archived WHMCS data back to life.

Major Upgrade

Get your WHMCS revived from an outdated version.


Bring your compromised WHMCS back to health.

Choose Your Package


Ideal for starting up with WHMCS.


USD per month

Contact Sales
  • checkWHMCS Business 1,000 license
    Upgrade: $0.19 per user
  • checkWHMCS installation and updates
  • checkHosted on our VPS
  • checkPerformance-optimised PHP environment
  • checkDDoS protection
  • checkWeb Application Firewall
  • checkEmail support


Ideal for growing fast with WHMCS.


USD per month

Contact Sales
  • checkWHMCS Business 1,000 license
    Upgrade: $0.49 per user
  • checkWHMCS installation and updates
  • checkHosted on our VPS
  • checkPerformance-optimised PHP environment
  • checkDDoS protection
  • checkWeb Application Firewall
  • checkEmail support
  • checkPerformance-optimised WHMCS modules
  • checkComplete EU tax compliance
  • checkSales accounting and reporting
  • checkData retention management


Ideal for securing critical WHMCS client bases.


USD per month

Contact Sales
  • checkWHMCS Business 1000 license
    Upgrade: $0.99 per user
  • checkWHMCS installation and updates
  • checkHosted on our cloud
  • checkPerformance-optimised PHP environment
  • checkDDoS protection
  • checkWeb Application Firewall
  • checkEmail & phone support
  • checkPerformance-optimised WHMCS modules
  • checkComplete EU tax compliance
  • checkSales accounting & reporting
  • checkData retention management
  • checkAll HTTP requests logging
  • checkClient activity monitoring and isolation
  • checkStaff activity monitoring and isolation
  • checkDecoupled backend workers
  • checkLoad balancing for high traffic
  • checkNamed customer success manager

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change the package?

Yes, you may change your package. However, this requires a full manual migration. We have to move your database to another tier infrastructure and redeploy your WHMCS to another server. During this period, we may prevent your clients from accessing your billing system. Therefore, this should be rare. We expect you to start with a package that is sufficient for your business for a year to come.

You may change the active clients limit on the same package whenever you want. We simply update your WHMCS license and resize your server instance. This is fast and easy.

Can I use WHMCS version 6 or 7?

WHMCS version 8 came out in 2020 and significantly changed how addon modules work. Our modules that come with Growth and Enterprise packages work with the WHMCS version 8 only. The Base package uses the standard WHMCS code, so we may install older WHMCS versions for this package.

We implement heavy optimisations for PHP 7.4 and 8.1. WHMCS versions prior to 8 do not support these PHP versions. Therefore, we would run your older WHMCS versions on a standard PHP 5.6. This would significantly degrade your WHMCS performance.

We support WHMCS versions 6 and 7 on the Base package as a temporary solution. We may upgrade your WHMCS install with a custom theme and modules to the latest version in a few weeks.

Can I install my own modules?

We can do this for you. We do not provide clients with access to their production file system. We test all modules and themes that clients want on the staging environment. If we find no unacceptable risks, we push them to the production environment.

If you have developers that need to test modules, we may launch a development environment for you.

Can I host a CMS alongside my WHMCS?

Several WHMCS modules allow you to manage website pages inside your WHMCS. Some clients require extensive publishing functionality and run a separate CMS on a different hostname, e.g. WordPress on the naked domain and WHMCS on the subdomain. Both of these cases are standard with all our packages.

We see a growing number of clients using static storefront pages that lead to WHMCS once the Add to Cart button is clicked. Static HTML pages load up to 10 times faster than simple WHMCS text pages. Combined with a public API component to handle AJAX requests (e.g. cart items, login status, language, etc.), this ensures a fluent visitor experience. Storefront visitors do not notice the transition between static HTML and WHMCS pages. Unified customer experience and speed are especially important to Enterprise clients that want to deliver thousands of page views per second. Static HTML pages generated using Jekyll or Eleventy (11ty) may be combined with WHMCS on the same hostname when running on the Enterprise package.

Running a PHP CMS like WordPress on the same server is possible, but it is not a standard practice. This would complicate your deployment and increase the risk of system conflicts (e.g. cookies). Such systems would start separate PHP sessions for the same visitor, which would prohibit you from providing your clients with a really unified experience anyway. We should look into such a case individually to understand what you are trying to achieve with such a configuration.

Can you secure or manage WHMCS hosted on my server?

No. When it comes to security, it must be done right at every single step. To provide Sumfort level service, we need to have control over the whole infrastructure.

Our server providers have data centres in all regions. If you are concerned about latency or data storage laws, we may deploy your WHMCS in the location you prefer.

Do you guarantee 100% uptime?

We do offer high-availability options for our Enterprise clients. Base and Growth packages are deployed on a simpler infrastructure. In case of a disaster, Base and Growth installations may experience short downtime during relocation.

Can I move away from Sumfort?

Yes, you may migrate to any other hosting environment at any time. We do not lock our clients in technically and do not require any long-term commitment legally. You may simply download your WHMCS database, buy a WHMCS license and deploy it on your own server.

However, our Growth and Enterprise packages use proprietary modules that modify WHMCS core logic. Without these modules, your WHMCS installation would continue to function, but it would lose all these security and compliance features.

What is the region of your operation?

We are based in the United Kingdom. Our regular working hours are 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (GMT0 in winter and GMT+1 in summer). Most of our clients are located in Europe. However, we run servers in several countries and operate globally.

Do you offer discounts?

WHMCS is used by tens of thousands of service providers. Most of them are very small and feel comfortable managing the installation themselves. There is not much we can offer to them at any price point.

Service providers that have more than 1,000 and less than 10,000 active clients usually see sufficient value in keeping their WHMCS secure, fast, up-to-date, accessible and compliant. Our European clients pay us a small fraction of what it would cost them to develop and maintain such security and compliance in-house. Our relationships focus on enhancing clients' savings and earnings by providing more value, so discounting and simplifying our services is not in their interest.

Very few service providers exceed the standard WHMCS tier of 10,000 active clients. If you are one of them and feel our pricing does not work for you, we would like to talk to you and understand your situation.